faq deime


Whether the DEIME Examination Programmes come under UGC?

No. The DEIME is an Autonomous and NON-UGC Institution.

Whether the Certificates of the DEIME is used for Government Jobs?

No. This is not used for Government Jobs.

Why the DEIME is charging Lowest Fees in the Field of Education?

The Aim of the DEIME is to provide Education at Lesser Cost. Hence the Lowest Fees in India.

How to proceed with Attestation of the Certificates of the DEIME?

If any Student need Attestation of his Certificate, it should be informed to the Centre and the DEIME will provide Attested Certificates.

Whether the Certificate Holders of the DEIME get Admission to Institute of Higher Education in India and Abroad?

Our Certificate Holders get admission to Higher Studies to those Universities and Institutes who provide Eligibility Certificate on the basis of application by the Students. Number of our Former Students study higher courses in India and Abroad.

Any more Courses than detailed in the Table?

Yes. The DEIME will always update its Courses according to the availability of infra structure of the Centres to Conduct New Courses of Study. Hence the List is incomplete.

How to get Concessions in Fees as detailed in the Aims and Objects column of the DEIME?

(To impart Education to the under-privileged, down trodden, Backward and Scheduled Classes, Women. Destitute, Widows, Detenues and other eligible candidates at Concessional rate of fees, and for this purpose to establish Distance Education Centres in any part of India or Abroad )

In this case, the DEIME request the Student to contact our CORRESPONDENT directly for Guidance. In genuine cases we provide Concessions of Fees as stated in the Aims and Objects column of the site. Centres are not responsible for granting concessions, but they can give reduction in fees from the published list on their own. Actual Fees Concession is given by NBERF directly only.

How Students are admitted to Lateral Entry Scheme of the DEIME?

The DEIME admits students to Final year / Semester or to Any year / Semester on the basis of the records they produce to prove their previous qualifications.

How the Previous Mark Sheets are considered?

The DEIME is conducting the Examinations after the student has joined to our course, and for previous years / semesters, we conduct CREDIT TRANSFER to the records of the DEIME and provide Mark Sheets accordingly.

Whether the DEIME is providing Syllabus for every Course conducted by the Study Centres?

Yes. The DEIME provide Syllabus to every Student in the Official Letter Head of the DEIME.It can be used for getting Eligibility Certificate for Higher Studies.

Whether the provide Migration, Transcript and Letter of Recommendation to it Students who intend to go abroad for Higher Studies?

Yes. The DEIME provide T. C., Migration and Transcript to its Students who intend to go abroad for Higher Studies. For this purpose an additional fee of Rs. 1000/- should be paid along with Examination Fee.

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